Short Story Club: “That Leviathan, Whom Thou Hast Made”

In past years, I have griped at length about the awful, maudlin dreck that Mike Resnick keeps putting on the Hugo ballot– see this 2009 post for example. I think Abigail Nussbaum put it very well back in 2009, when she wrote of Resnick’s “Article of Faith” from that year’s short story ballot that “his… Continue reading Short Story Club: “That Leviathan, Whom Thou Hast Made”

You Will Never Die

If I ever decided to abandon any pretense of integrity or credibility, and just shoot for making a bazillion dollars peddling quantum hokum, the particular brand of quantum philosophy I would peddle has already been laid out, in Robert Charles Wilson’s Divided by Infinity. In the story, the narrator is given a copy of a… Continue reading You Will Never Die

Short Story Club: “The Jaguar House, in Shadow,” by Aliette de Bodard

As mentioned a little while ago, Locus is running a Short Story Club to discuss the award-nominated stories that are available online. First up is Aliette de Bodard’s “The Jaguar House, in Shadow”. Like her novels and other notable short fiction, this has a Central American theme, though it’s alternate-history SF rather than fantasy. This… Continue reading Short Story Club: “The Jaguar House, in Shadow,” by Aliette de Bodard