Hugo Nominations: Meh

The nominees for the 2011 Hugo Awards were released on Sunday, which is the sort of thing I usually blog about here, so you might think it’s just our flaky DSL that’s kept me from saying anything about it. that’s only part of the story, though. I haven’t said anything about them in large part […]

Hugo Humiliation

Over in LiveJournal land, nwhyte just finished reading all the Hugo-winning novels, and provides a list of them with links to reviews or at least short comments. He also gives a summary list of his take on the best and worst books of the lot. The obvious thing to do with such a list, particularly […]

Con or Bust

Every year, Kate runs a fundraiser to help support SF fans who want to attend Wiscon, which takes the form of an auction of various cool items, such as a signed book about quantum physics. You can find a big listing of everything at the Con or Bust community on LiveJournal, but some items of […]

Hugo Nomination Recommendations?

I’m leaving today for the AAAS meeting in DC, where I’ll be through the weekend. The AAAS works much differently than the physics conferences I’m used to, most notably requiring speakers to upload their presentation several days ahead of time. This means that my usual night-before-a-talk process of fiddling with my slides is right out. […]

Con or Bust Auction Signal Boost

Last year, Kate was one of the people who helped organize a fundraising auction to send a few people to Wiscon. It’s that time again, and she’s seeking donations for the auction: Last year, Con or Bust raised $6,183.89 and helped thirteen people of color attend WisCon. We weren’t able to meet all the requests […]