RIP Johnny Hart

The Comics Curmudgeon and others note the death of Johnny Hart, arguably the best known religious wing nut from Broome County, New York, where I grew up. (Sadly, this is not a set of one, as the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue also traces its origins to the Binghamton area.) Hart was the creator of the… Continue reading RIP Johnny Hart

Hugo and Nebula Thoughts

There’s been a fair bit of discussion of this year’s Hugo nominees around the Internets, most of it centering around the gender of the nominees (that link goes to a fairly civilized discussion, which includes links to a rather more heated argument). For those who haven’t been following the controversy, only one of the twenty… Continue reading Hugo and Nebula Thoughts

Jackie Robinson: Most Important American?

Yesterday, on my way in to work, I was listening to ESPN radio and Mike Greenberg made a bold assertion (paraphrased slightly): Jackie Robinson is one of the ten most important Americans of the twentieth century. Not just sports figures, Americans. Contrary sort that I am, my first thought was “I don’t think I believe… Continue reading Jackie Robinson: Most Important American?

‘Scuse Me While I Kiss This Otaku

Via Rachel Manija Brown, a Wikipedia page on misheard lyrics in Japan: From Sean Paul’s “Fire Links Intro”: Mayday! […] Sean Paul! This one is hot! 目痛い! […] シャンプー! リンスは無いさ! Me itai! […] ShanpÅ«! Rinsu wa nai sa! My eyes hurt! […] Shampoo! There is no hair conditioner! Global pop culture is Difficult. Still, this… Continue reading ‘Scuse Me While I Kiss This Otaku

A Bracket for Everything, and Everything In Its Bracket

Posting has been basketball-heavy of late because, well, there isn’t much else going on that I find all that interesting at the moment. More importantly, though, it’s the Season of the Bracket… I’m not the only one affected, of course, though many people who don’t care about hoops have to find other outlets for the… Continue reading A Bracket for Everything, and Everything In Its Bracket


John Scalzi is announcing the launch of a new “collaborative short fiction” site, Ficlets: What does “collaborative short fiction” mean in this case? Simple: You, as a writer, post a very short (not more than 1,024 characters) piece of fiction or a fiction fragment on the Ficlets site. People come to Ficlets to read what… Continue reading Ficlets

The Planets

James Nicoll is soliciting recommendations for a series of novels about the planets of the Solar System. His first pass: Mercury: Venus: Earth: Imperial Earth, Arthur C. Clarke Mars: Jupiter: Jupiter Fred and Carol Pohl (ed) Saturn: Uranus: Neptune: Triton, Samuel R. Delany As you can see, there are some gaps…

Scorsese Is Doomed

A few days ago, Inside Higher Ed did an Oscar preview, and asked five academics who study film to predict the Best Picture winner. Three of the five picked The Departed to win, and one of the other two preferred it to his predicted winner (Babel). Clearly, Scorsese is doomed to lose yet again. Scalzi’s… Continue reading Scorsese Is Doomed