RIP Johnny Hart

The Comics Curmudgeon and others note the death of Johnny Hart, arguably the best known religious wing nut from Broome County, New York, where I grew up. (Sadly, this is not a set of one, as the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue also traces its origins to the Binghamton area.) Hart was the creator of the comic strip B.C., in which wisecracking cavemen occasionall veered off into discussions of or lengthy quotes from Scripture.

The strip hasn’t been consistently funny for at least fifteen years, and I found his personal views kind of obnoxious, but the man was a Broome County icon, and it’s sad to see him go. Let me also join Josh in fervently hoping that they don’t continue the strip past whatever he finished before he died. These zombie comics are almost always a disaster, and it would be much better for B.C. to fade away, and free up funny-pages space for some new cartoonist to do something interesting.