Laser Smackdown: Vote for the Most Amazing Laser Application

In 1960, the first working laser was demonstrated, and promptly dubbed “a solution looking for a problem.” In the ensuing fifty years, lasers have found lots of problems to solve, but there has been no consensus about which of the many amazing applications of lasers is the most amazing. Now, in 2010, as we celebrate… Continue reading Laser Smackdown: Vote for the Most Amazing Laser Application

Optics Quiz Answer

Around 470 people voted in yesterday’s optics quiz. I continue to be amazed at the power of radio button polls to bring people into the blog. As of early Friday morning, the correct answer is solidly in he lead– 63% of respondants have correctly replied that the image remains intact, but is half as bright.… Continue reading Optics Quiz Answer

Dorky Poll: TV Technology

I won’t attempt to explain the chain of reasoning that led to this topic this morning. The poll itself doesn’t need much explanation, though: As any geek knows, the tv show(s) CSI: Descriptive Subtitle rely heavily on fake technologies. which of these would you most like to be real? Which imaginary technology from CSI would… Continue reading Dorky Poll: TV Technology

Poll: What Do Students Need to Learn About Technical Writing?

I am currently on a committee looking to set some standards for technical writing in the introductory engineering sequence (which means the first two terms of physics, as they constitute 50-67% of the classes common to all first-year engineers). One of our jobs is to come up with a list of skills that we want… Continue reading Poll: What Do Students Need to Learn About Technical Writing?