Non-Dorky Poll: Time to Rise and Shine

No substantive blogging for you today, as my alarm clock decided not to go off, causing me to oversleep by the hour that I usually spend on bloggy things. So that you’re not left without blog-related entertainment, though, here’s an appropriate poll topic:

Of course, despite oversleeping by a full hour, I was still here twenty minutes before this morning’s lab. And probably a good half-hour before the majority of my students. Their late arrival will do wonders for my mood.

7 thoughts on “Non-Dorky Poll: Time to Rise and Shine

  1. It complicated. I’m not a morning person and I have an extensive wake-up system that allows for varying amounts of snoozing (and length of shower). My actual alarm clock goes off an 1.25 hours before I have to leave to even pretend I’m on time, but I rarely get out of bed (except to turn off the alarm) for half an hour. I have to shower in the morning, I eat breakfast at my desk and make my tea once I get in. In HS and as an undergrad, I mostly skipped breakfast. If I actually get up with the obnoxious-across-the-room alarm, I have time to swim laps before work (or, back when, class.)

  2. Is that “time between when your alarm goes and work/class starts” or “time between when your alarm goes and you have to leave the house”?

  3. An hour, it takes that long to shower, breakfast and make lunch. That isn’t the same as “I have stuff to do around the house”. You need a poll on how long and you need a separate poll on why.

  4. I take 2 hours in the morning, but not because I wake up slowly. I like to take my time with breakfast and I do stuff around the house. (I agree with Katherine.)

  5. 90 minutes between alarm and leaving the house.

    That gives me time to shower, dress, make lunches for me and my daughter (and my wife if she’s going to be out for lunch), pick vegetables, water the vegetables as required, feed the chickens, get the eggs, have breakfast (and feed anyone else who’s up) and then go.

    Then it’s another 15 minutes walk and 40 minutes on the train to get to work.

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