178/366: Domes

I’m going to stop posting pictures of the Nott Memorial, really I am. But I got the idea a week or two ago of trying to see if there’s an angle where the observatory dome and the Nott dome look the same size, so I keep poking at that. And, in fact, there is such […]

176/366: Scale Invariance

Again, random and artsy, but this tree in the garden behind the Reamer Campus Center at Union struck me as interesting: Is sort of looks like one of those pictures you sometimes see of oblong leaves where most of the surface has been eaten away, just leaving the delicate vein structure in place. (This kind […]

175/366: Microdrifts

Random artsy shot of the moment: The wild see-sawing of the temperature has continued this week, so we got a little bit of snow, then it all melted, then more snow, then more melting, etc. This is from a couple of days ago, when it was cold, and I liked the way the light dusting […]

174/366: Crushing

As I’ve mentioned a few times, SteelyKid is part of an Odyssey of the Mind team through her school, working on a problem to build a structure from balsa wood and glue that will hold as much weight as possible. They’ve been hard at work the last several weeks, and completed a test structure last […]

166/366: Overkill

It’s been a ridiculously mild winter here, with occasional bursts of extreme cold. The last few days, we’ve gotten about as much snow as we’ve gotten all winter, which is not a terribly impressive amount: These bushes sit right under the bow window in front of our house, and a few years ago snow sliding […]

165/366: Wintry Science

It was bitterly cold over the weekend here in the Northeast, with daytime high temepratures in the single digits Fahrenheit. This has little to recommend it in terms of, you know, leaving the house, but it did provide an opportunity to try some SCIENCE! Unfortunately, I left the notepad with the data (such as it […]

163-164/366: Recurring Themes

This weekend’s photos were mostly of the kids, and mostly had other people’s kids in them, as they did a double play-date on Saturday afternoon. I’m going to lump two days together, because they’re really just repeating previous themes. Here are the kids eating dinner at the Union women’s basketball game Friday night: (They went […]