193-197/366: March Meeting

I didn’t take the DSLR to March Meeting with me, but I did throw a point-and-shoot in my bag. A few of these are still just cell-phone snapshots, because I didn’t have the bag with me all the time. 193/366: Stadium View When I checked into the hotel, they told me I had a “stadium […]

192/366: Springing

One of the surest signs of the imminent arrival of spring is the appearance of these little purple flowers in our back yard in large bunches. I have no idea what they are, but they’re kind of photogenic, so… Having spent much too long on the Internet, I can just about convince myself that this […]

189-190/366: Technology

Having done a thematic set of animal photos, it makes sense to complete the catching-up process by pulling together a couple of shots of man-made things. 189/366: Tower This is also from my trip to the post office the other day. The tall tower is a broadcast antenna of some sort from the CBS station, […]

185-188/366: Critters

Sunday and Monday were wrecked by SteelyKid getting sick. She was actually only really ill on Sunday, but that was highly miserable. Monday, she had to stay home from school, and we spent the day watching the original Star Wars trilogy (which she had refused to watch on two previous occasions…). So, there weren’t a […]

184/366: Odyssey

I seem to have fallen into a thing where I take pictures more frequently than I edit and post them. I blame the kids– SteelyKid got sick on Sunday (her third bout with strep in the last five months), and The Pip has decided to get a jump on Daylight Savings by waking up an […]

181/366: Luxury

There’s a sort of Internet tradition of posting photos of hotel-room views when traveling, so here’s a very slightly artsy version of same: The first time I looked out the window, there was a big-ass truck parked directly in front of it. I like this version a little better, though. Kidding about the accommodations aside, […]

180/366: Delay

I spent Tuesday flying to Champaign, Illinois, which was probably a big mistake. I should’ve booked a Southwest flight to Midway Airport in Chicago, and rented a car to drive down to Champaign, but I decided that might be annoying on the way home, so opted to fly the whole way. Which meant a United […]