044/366: Pot of Gold

One side effect of this photo-a-day business that I probably should’ve anticipated is that I spend a lot of time now looking at stuff and saying “That’s make a good photo…” Which is annoying when I’m out and don’t have the camera with me, so I’ve started throwing it in the car when I go out to run errands.

This paid off this morning, when I took The Pip to day care, and was greeted by this:

Rainbow over the entrance to the JCC this morning.
Rainbow over the entrance to the JCC this morning.

That’s his day care sitting right at the end of a rainbow. Which is a lovely metaphor for either the value of having access to excellent pre-school, or the amount of money we’ve shelled out for day care for the kids. Possibly both.

The view a bit to the left of that was pretty cool, too:

The other end of the rainbow.
The other end of the rainbow.

This is, in some ways, a nicer picture, but the metaphorical value of the other one makes it no contest at all as to which of these is the photo of the day.