Hello, Llama

Between the holiday weekend and finally getting to concentrate on book edits, there hasn’t been much time for blogging recently. So here’s another SteelyKid-at-the-Bronx-Zoo picture for filler:


As I said when I posted this to google+, this practically demands a caption. Unfortunately, I haven’t come up with anything better than “…same thing we do every night, Pinky: Try to take over the ZOO!” But I’m sure somebody reading this can do better in the comments. (Please keep in mind, though, that this is my daughter we’re talking about. Anything excessively crass is subject to summary deletion.)

8 thoughts on “Hello, Llama

  1. Don’t move, he’ll see the sharpened end of the dull toothbrush behind my back…

    The writer of this comment has been sacked.

  2. My daughter is talking to a llama. Your argument is invalid.


    My daughter is talking to a llama. Take THAT, Standard Model.

  3. Steelykid,

    You are blessed with a poem from the wondrous Cuttlefish.

    Treasure this forever.

  4. My mother, when cooing over pictures of little girls, would say things like “Isn’t she adorable! She’s such a little doll!“.

    As we all know, llamas are native to Peru, where Spanish is spoken, and the Spanish conjunction is “y”, instead of “and”.

    I therefore propose the macro markup of

    DOLL   Y   LLAMA


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