Friday Toddler Ego Blogging

This was a hellishly busy week, and today was especially bad. I barely had time to read non-work-related email, let alone write anything for the blog. And now that I have time, I’m too fried to write anything.

So here’s a bonus cute-toddler photo, with an ego-blogging element:


That’s SteelyKid sitting in my desk chair, watching the National Geographic video clip from the other day. She’s pointing at the screen to say “That’s you walking Emmy!” Which she does every time we play it, and it doesn’t get old.

I don’t think she really gets the physics yet, but there’s plenty of time for that…

One thought on “Friday Toddler Ego Blogging

  1. Would it be possible to teach kids QM and SR first, and then introduce the classical limit? As it is, we keep teaching kids stuff, and then telling them it’s wrong. And secondly, we only start on the difficult stuff when their brains are full myelinated and it’s harder and harder to learn new stuff.

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