What Every Dog Should Know About Quantum Physics, Now Streaming

A few weeks ago, I gave a talk based on How to Teach Physics to Your Dog for the University of Toledo’s Saturday Morning Science program. At that time, their local PBS affiliate recorded the talk, for use on their very nice streaming video site, Knowledgestream.org. My talk is now up, and the video is hopefully embedded below:

I haven’t listened to the entire thing, but I watched the first 10-15 minutes, and it’s pretty good. the sound is coming from a microphone on my shirt, so you can’t really hear any of the audience reaction (I got some good laughs in appropriate places), and in places they use still images from the slides, so you miss some of the animation and my Jedi knight skills with the laser pointer. But if you want to get the basic idea of my public talk, well, here it is.

I’m happy to travel to give this talk, by the way, as demonstrated by my less-than-24-hours visit to northern Ohio for this presentation. So, if you’ve got a science outreach program looking for speakers, drop me a line at the contact address in the tab at the top of the blog, and we can talk.

5 thoughts on “What Every Dog Should Know About Quantum Physics, Now Streaming

  1. Trying to watch now, but first reaction was that “Dept of Physics and Anatomy” was a really interesting combination of disciplines for a university.


  2. (Do you suppose the Dept of Physics and Anatomy could be the subtitle for a Dept of Biomechanics? Alternately, I could imagine that a hospital ER or US Army field hospital that treated a lot of projectile trauma (i.e., gunshot wounds) could be referred to as a Dept of Physics and Anatomy.)

    In any event, nice talk, Dr Orzel.

  3. Well, point particles? What idiot thought that was a sensible idea? 😉 Luckily QM predicts probabilities of measured quantities, not values of measured quantities, which doesn’t make /all/ the logical and philosophical problems go away, but still…

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