Thursday Toddler Blogging 032411

SteelyKid would like to remind everybody that sometimes you just need to kick back on the couch, eat some snacks, and watch tv:


In her case, that means watching the same episode of Good Eats over and over and over…

Other times, of course, you need to get out and feel the wind in your hair:


Even if you’re just saying “BA BA BA BA” into an oscillating fan.

And that’s as profound as we’re capable of tonight.

4 thoughts on “Thursday Toddler Blogging 032411

  1. Actually, it is pretty profound. People rarely just revel in the simple things. Kicking back, or being silly for no reason are important. They both let you stop being worried or too serious, or just stressed out. Kids have the secret to how to live, but as we grow up we forget.

  2. The one about buffalo chicken wings. But it could’ve been any one that didn’t involve fake dungeons (which make her quietly climb down from the couch and go stand in the kitchen).

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