Links for 2010-11-06

  • Schrodinger’s job interview.
  • “The future is now. NASA wants to start playing space games. Check out this NASA Spaced Out Sports Design Challenge. Unfortunately, the challenge is geared towards grades 5-8, but I can’t help thinking about this. The deal is that students submit some game that they design for astronauts to to play in the International Space Station.

    Maybe I am ruining this whole competition, but I want to share some ideas (kids, feel free to expand on these in your winning entry). Oh, I am also ignoring the game objects that are available. Anyway, I can think of two types of games that someone could come up with for play in zero-g.”

  • “It’s time for my biannual look at the exit polls. This won’t explain everything about Tuesday’s election. It’s not intended to. What it is intended to do is provide a baseline that shows where Democrats did better and where they did worse than they did in the last midterm election.”