Sunday Suburban Toddler Blogging

SteelyKid was down in Boston at her grandmother’s for a few days, which was a nice break, but it’s always good to get home to Chateau SteelyKid:


Notice the spiffy new grill in the right corner of the patio, Of course, when you’re out of town for a few days, all sorts of work piles up in your absence:


The mower was also a birthday gift. It blows bubbles, sort of, but the bubble stuff leaked out and hadn’t been replaced yet. The nice part of life in the suburbs is that when you’re done mowing your lawn, you can grill up a tasty burger:


I love the look of intense concentration as she assembles a burger. I’d type more, but I’ve been ordered to come play golf with her new set of clubs (no pictures yet).

3 thoughts on “Sunday Suburban Toddler Blogging

  1. Is that plastic can of beer on the concrete next to the grill? Nah. Must be soda. (Or pop, or Fanta or tonic, depending on where you’re from…)

  2. Keiran has the same mower, and *loves* it; so now grass-mowing is an effective way for me to take care of him and chores at the same time, because when I am using “Daddy’s mower!” he wants to use “Keiran’s mower!”

    Yes, those exclamation points are an integral part of the descriptors :).

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