How to Teach Physics to Your Brazilian Dog

As I was heading out with SteelyKid to do some shopping, I noticed that the mail had arrived, including a large book mailer from my agent. I was a little puzzled as to what that could be, but left it for my return. Where I was pleased to open the envelope and find:


That’s a copy of Como Ensinar Física ao Seu Cachorro, that is, the Portuguese translation of How to Teach Physics to Your Dog. I can’t directly read a word of it, of course, but having written the original, I can identify some key amusing phrases, such as “Coelhos feitos de queijo” and “Cuidado com os esquilos perversos,” which is awesome.

Giving credit where it’s due, the hard work of translation was done by Ana Gibson, and the translated version was checked for physical accuracy by Prof. Marco Moriconi, who I exchanged a few emails with. Prof. Moriconi also wrote a preface, which I can’t read at all, but it looks very nice to me.

Put that together with a reasonably successful signing this afternoon (I sold three or four copies to people who hadn’t come in intending to buy one, which is always a nice feeling), and it’s been a good day for dog physics.

6 thoughts on “How to Teach Physics to Your Brazilian Dog

  1. Nice. I like that dog better than the English one.

    I’m giving your book as a Father’s Day present, even though my dad doesn’t have a dog.

  2. Cool! I’ll be looking for it! I still think it’s a shame that Emmy is not on the cover!

  3. “Cuidado com os esquilos perversos”

    Excellent. I’m picturing a big warning sign on a fence or at a trailhead or something.

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