Thursday Baby Blogging 112609

We hosted Thanksgiving this year, and SteelyKid was the life of the party. When she saw Grandpa make the unwise decision to sit down on the couch with a glass of red wine, she came running, and spilled it all over him. To make up for it, she graciously decided to include him in this week’s Baby Blogging:


(He borrowed dry clothes from me.)

We also took advantage of having everyone here to get a Baby Blogging picture with four generations in it:


Actually, we took a bunch, as Kate was trying to get one where SteelyKid wasn’t partially obscrued by her red dog. This was probably the best of them:


And now, I’m going to take Emmy for her evening walk, and then fall asleep listening to the Giants game on the radio. Yes, that’s right, thanks to the NFL’s stupid squabbles with the cable company, I’m going to party like it’s 1949. Woo!

Hope your Thanksgiving (or otherwise unremarkable Thursday) was good, and anybody who spilled wine on you also had dry clothes for you to borrow.

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