Thursday Baby Blogging 101509

SteelyKid has cast Appa aside in favor of bigger and better things:


That’s right. She’s not allowed to have candy yet, but she’s already gearing up for Halloween…

The pumpkin bucket is actually a bribe– I bought it for her to play with while we waited for her prescription to be filled yesterday. This is in fine family tradition– my father used to buy presents for my sister and me when he had to take us shopping for my mother’s birthday…

While we’re not going to try giving her candy any time soon, SteelyKid is making great progress in the area of eating, as can be seen in the video below the fold:

That’s right– she’s learned how to use a spoon. More or less. A half-dozen mouthfuls after this was shot, she gave up on eating the goop (beef mixed with “apple vanilla mixed grains” baby food), in favor of just banging the spoon in the bowl, making a mess. She’s got the idea, though…