
I’m working on a badly-neglected project this morning, so here are a couple of pictures of SteelyKid from yesterday’s trip to the park. (You can see more in my Flickr sets, linked at left.) This one gets you the basic idea of what it’s like taking a very active toddler to the playground:


Finish one thing, and run determinedly toward the next thing…

(This also shows off her awesome “S is for Space Ship” shirt, which is a little big on her, but then, it’s a 24-month size, a full nine months ahead of her nominal size. It’s also from the boys’ department, because girl-toddler clothes all suck.)

The “next thing” being run toward included a couple of trips down the slide:


I know she looks more determined than happy in this picture, but I swear, she was enjoying herself very much.

And there’s your cute-baby-picture bribe for the day. Which lets me get back to trying to get some work done while Kate and SteelyKid are off at Babysaurus buying supplies…