Schrödinger’s Dog: The Movie

The release date for the forthcoming How to Teach Physics to Your Dog is December 22, seven months from today, and I got a look at some sample pages yesterday, so things are moving right along. To mark the occasion, and give you something to entertain you while I’m spending another day at DAMOP, I thought I’d offer some video:

This is me reading the dog conversation that goes with Chapter 3, on the Copenhagen Interpretation. The cheap computer microphone doesn’t do that great a job picking up the Dog Voice, but it’ll give you the basic idea. The images that go with it were mostly taken by Kate, and this pretty well exhausts my abilities as a maker of computer video. I think it came out pretty well, all things considered.

I hope that gives you some idea of what the book will be like. I’m not sure what I’ll come up with for next month, as the countdown marches on, but I’ll think of something.