Ask Me Uncomfortable Questions

I’m feeling kind of uninspired, blog-wise. I’ve got a few ResearchBlogging type posts in the mental queue, but they’re not going to get written before the weekend, and the other obvious topics are things that I’ve written about N times before, and I’m not fired up for iteration N+1. So, we’ll repeat last year’s uncomfortable questions experiment, which worked pretty well:

Everyone has things they blog about.
Everyone has things they don’t blog about.
Challenge me out of my comfort zone by telling me something I don’t blog about, but you’d like to hear about, and I’ll write a post about it.

So, fire away. Ask me a question I haven’t talked about before.

(Obligatory disclaimer: I am not promising to answer any and all requests. In particular, questions whose answers might get me in trouble of some sort (“Don’t you just hate [blood relative]?”) will be ignored, or get blow-off answers. I’m uninspired, not stupid.)