links for 2008-09-26

One thought on “links for 2008-09-26

  1. One is disheartened that links disparaging America’s little Moose Jewel are posted. Sarah Palin is Everywonman – retard baby, preggers unmarried teenage daughter, social scandal, fundamentalist religious, not overmuch bright and educated, and a pathological liar. All she lacks is single motherhhood and (presumably) genital herpes.

    That such a woman is but a (few skipped) hearbeat(s) away from the Presidency is, ah, heartening. My friends, President Bush the Lesser has mobilized more money during his Presidency than any President in this proud and bounteous nation’s history, more than any leader in world history except Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe. In June 2008 Zimbabwe was the most deeply monetarized country in the world with more than Z$900 quadrillion in circulation.

    A vote for McCain & Moose Jewel will put Zimbabwe in its place.

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