On-The-Road Baby Blogging

I’m having a great time at this week’s conference, but I still find myself missing SteelyKid. Which is kind of amazing, really, as she’s only been around for five weeks, and she’s mostly just slept, cried, eaten, and soiled an astonishing number of diapers. And yet, how can I not miss this:


Really, if babies weren’t so darn cute, the species never would’ve survived long enough to learn to use tools, let alone invent blogs…

4 thoughts on “On-The-Road Baby Blogging

  1. Wearing diapers is a bounded problem. The three body problem is more difficult to solve – you, SteelyTeenager, and everything in the world. “8^>)

  2. There’s nothing quite like it. Especially when they’re that age and size where you can just prop them on your chest while you sag on the couch watching late night movies (and the wife catches up on all the sleep she’s missed)….

    Congrats again.

  3. She’s a sweetie! I notice she’s using a soothie paci – if she likes those, you should check out wubbanubs (http://www.wubbanub.com/) Helps keep the paci in at night, easier for her to grab herself, and just darn cute. My girl still cuddles her, 2 years on 😀 Another advantage – few paci holders work with the soothies (the flower one made by the company works well) and the attached critter helps locate the bouncing paci – because those things are like superballs!

    I am in no way associated with wubbanub – I just think they are great, and every one who’s seen my daughter with hers always asks about it.

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