Six, If You Live in a Trailer Park

In honor of my weekend, here’s Larry Miller on the Five Stages of Drinking. This is one of my all-time favorite comedy bits, and it’s defintiely in the “funny ’cause it’s true” category.

Details will, of course, need to remain scarce to protect the political careers of those involved, but it was a great weekend. I played a little rugby, sang a few songs, drank a lot of really terrible keg beer, and nobody was seriously injured or arrested.

Of course, now my sleep schedule is completely screwed, and I have almost no voice left, which is going to make tomorrow’s lecture… interesting. And on top of that, I have two labs, an exam, and three evening events this week.

But it’s all good. As long as I get eight hours of sleep, and a complete change of blood… I’m cool.

2 thoughts on “Six, If You Live in a Trailer Park

  1. Ah thank you! That’s one of my all-time favorite routines as well. He’s got such a wonderful sense of timing. The version I heard at “Just for Laughs” had one small change:

    “At this point, you’re all drinking some kind of thick blue liquor, usually reserved for cleaning combs. ”

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