Sunday Mighty Hunter Blogging


Here we see the mighty hunter returning from a successful pursuit of the elusive Red Snow Squid.

(It’s a nice sunny day, here, and the snow storm of a few days ago left a nice coating in the back yard. It occurred to me that the snow makes a nice contrast with Emmy’s black coat, and I still need some more good pictures of her for the book, so we romped around in the back yard for a while with a squeaky toy (a Kong Wubba), taking pictures.)

(That was half an hour ago, and already Her Majesty is flopped on the floor in the pose of the Most Neglected Dog in the History of the World, because we never do anything fun…)

Posted in Dog

3 thoughts on “Sunday Mighty Hunter Blogging

  1. hehehe You need to get a video of this up– Miss Emmy with a squeaky toy. hehehehehehe!!!

    And Emmy needs to write an etiquette book for puppies. Arnie luvs his Wubba too… but he loves it so much he has to destroy every one I buy for him… Not gentlemanly at all.

  2. Ha! Rocky’s favorite toy is his Kong Wubba.

    (how sad is it that I know what the toy is just at a glance?)

  3. I knew the Wubba at first glance too. Great toy, though my dog has whacked me with it quite a few times. Ouch.

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