NanoBowl: People’s Choice

The Physics Central Nanobowl collected YouTube videos using football to illustrate something about physics. They’ve got a bunch of finalists, and the polls are open for the People’s Choice Award. Check out the nine semi-finalists, and vote for your favorite.

The slickest is probably “Theoretical Football”:

I’m not sure whether they gain or lose points for using “O Fortuna” from Carmina Burena. There’s also the extravagent use of the old-film jitter effect in “Fysics of Phootball”:

And then… Well, just go look for yourself…

One thought on “NanoBowl: People’s Choice

  1. Use of “O Fortuna” didn’t make me vote for them but it did make me want to listen to Carmina Burena today. My fav was in the top three that were just about tied when I voted yesterday.

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