Literary Poll: Fantasy Scavenger Hunt!

The World Fantasy Convention is being held just up the road in Saratoga Springs, and Kate and I are commuting to it for the next few days. That means light blogging, which means it’s Dorky Poll time.

Here’s a literary Dorky Poll (a more conventionally Dorky version will follow shortly), suggested by Kate:

What items should appear on a Fantasy Novel Scavenger Hunt?

This came up at the Australian party last night, where it was noted that they had packed the room by offering free books. Somebody else said that you could probably clear the room by telling people there were free books on the roof, and that led Kate to suggest the idea of a fantasy book scavenger hunt: participants would be given a list of things to find, and sent to the Dealer’s Room or free book bags to find them and bring them back.

Items on the list would include:

  • One book featuring a telepathic bond between a human and an animal.
  • Three books with dubious guilds (Theives Guild, Prostitute’s Guild, etc.)
  • Three characters with D’Read A’Postro’phes in their names
  • A book with a map in the front, in which the characters visit every single country on the map.
  • A book with a faintly insulting “Exotic” setting.

And so on. what else should be on the list?