Goldstein Collection: New Viral Marketing Game?

I got a rather odd email yesterday, with the Subject: header Help me identify a youtube video and solve my grandfather’s mysterious death. That’s eye-catching, to say the least, and the text of the message was also interesting: There’s a youtube video involved in my grandfather’s odd circumstances of death. Please take a look at… Continue reading Goldstein Collection: New Viral Marketing Game?

links for 2007-10-04

Stopping atoms A “coil-gun” method for slowing atomic beams without lasers, from the Raizen group at Texas (tags: physics low-temperature science atoms) Confessions of a Community College Dean: An Open Letter to Mayor Richard M. Daley The Dean Dad is less polite to Hizzoner than I was (tags: academia stupid education) Finance Blog – Market… Continue reading links for 2007-10-04

Categorized as Links Dump

Research Early, Research Often

Inside Higher Ed has an article about a HHMI initiative to encourage more students to pursue science careers: Until now, calls for action to bolster Americans’ science aptitude and increase the number of graduates who move on to scientific research have focused on nurturing individual students, improving teacher education and collaborating with industry, among other… Continue reading Research Early, Research Often

Categorized as Academia

Blog Maintenance Update

You may notice, a couple of posts down, a post with the title “Links for 2007-10-03,” with a bunch of, well, links in it. This was auto-generated by, and is the main reason why I started using that service this week– the idea is to give me a way to collect together the sort… Continue reading Blog Maintenance Update

Open Access Physics

This is more Bora’s thing than mine, but I should note that the new open access journal PMC Physics A has published their first articles as freely available PDF’s. They also have a video interview with the editor up on the site. Of course, with titles like “Dilaton and off-shell (non-critical string) effects in Boltzmann… Continue reading Open Access Physics

Categorized as Physics

links for 2007-10-03

School cheating scandal divides New Hampshire community – International Herald Tribune At some point, wouldn’t it actually be easier to learn stuff, rather than breaking into the school to steal the exams? (tags: stupid education) PhysMath Central takes off with a big bang (tags: physics journals academia open-access) Are women being scared away from math,… Continue reading links for 2007-10-03

Categorized as Links Dump