Social Networks: What Are They Good For?

So, in a fit of procrastinatory behavior, I’ve spent a bunch of time over the last few days playing with Facebook. I have to say, I can understand how this would get to be addictive– I’m inordinately amused by the fact that I can go to a web page and get a little message telling me that a division chief at NIST has removed a commercial jingle from his list of favorite music. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do with that information, but it amuses me.

I’m still sort of wondering whether there’s a point to this stuff beyond more efficient procrastination, though. I’ve got access to this… thing. Is there something I ought to be doing with it that would help me in some way? Boost the readership of the blog? Promote the as-yet-nonexistent book? (I did finish a draft of chapter 3 yesterday, and the irritating problems with chapter 2 appear to be mostly fixed, so it’s onward and upward…)

Or is the whole point just to accumulate “friends” and fiddle around sending them silly status updates? Because, you know, I’m okay with that, I’d just hate to think I was missing out on a real opportunity, here…