Dorky Poll: Presidential Questions

I was expounding on my dislike of the routine questions being asked of Wesley Clark last night (see previous post) to a colleague from Math, who suggested “Which do you prefer, C or Fortran? And if you use Fortran, do you declare all your variables?” as an alternative to boring policy questions that produce nothing but rehearsed answers. Clearly, this is a niche that needs to be explored, thus today’s Dorky Poll:

What great geek controversy should Presidential candidates be asked about?

Because, really, how could you consider voting for a man (or woman) without knowing his (or her) position on the C vs. Fortran question?

Other topics that come to mind are things like “String Theory or Loop Quantum Gravity?” and “Copenhagen Interpretation or Many-Worlds?,” to say nothing of “Emacs vs. vi?”

So what geeky question would you like to see asked of Presidential aspirants?