Pixel-Stained Technopeasants Unite!

SFWA, your source for train-wrecky goodness on the Internet has indirectly caused International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day:

On this day, everyone who wants to should give away professional quality work online. It doesn’t matter if it’s a novel, a story or a poem, it doesn’t matter if it’s already been published or if it hasn’t, the point is it should be disseminated online to celebrate our technopeasanthood.

Here’s the central index of free stuff, which doesn’t include everything– for example, Kate has posted her law review article— but does include more than enough free professional-quality writing to keep you occupied all day, if you like.

Update: There’s also the Pixel-Stained technopeasant LiveJournal Community, which has dozens of posts containing free stuff.

(I’m not officially posting anything, because I don’t have anything lying around that would really work. I have electronic copies of my published papers, but they’re PDF’s of journal pages, and I’m not entirely comfortable posting those.

(And, of course, I get paid for blogging here, so it’s not really in the spirit of the day…)