Crucial Questions of My High School Years

Over at Kurt’s Krap, there’s extensive discussion of the relative merits of Sammy Hagar and David Lee Roth as the front man for Van Halen. You can also find them discussing a bunch of other songs, but the Hagar/Roth question is the important one.

By a weird coincidence, I read Chuck Klosterman’s Fargo Rock City over the weekend (booklog post forthcoming), which also contains an extensive discussion of this critical pop-culture question.

It’s kind of a tough call: Roth had more style, but Hagar was a little more consistent. I’d probably go with Roth, but I have a soft spot for Hagar, as the first rock concert I went to was Van Halen on the OU812 tour in Syracuse.

Gary Cherone, of course, was a total joke.