Giant APS Meeting

The March Meeting of the American Physical Society is happening this week. This is one of two large multi-divisional meetings the APS has each year (the other is in April), and it’s billed as the largest physics meeting of the year.

I’ve only gone to a March Meeting once and that was the year it was combined with the April Meeting to form one gigantic Centennial Meeting, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the APS. I didn’t care for it much– it was much too big to get a sense of what was going on, and the schedule was incredibly busy with no built-in breaks. I much prefer the annual DAMOP meeting, which is considerably smaller, and much more civilized.

Anyway, there should be plenty of physics-related press releases this week, and Jennifer Ouellette is there, so we can hope for some colorful reporting. If I run across anybody live-blogging it, I’ll be sure to post a link.

UPDATE: The meeting is being live-blogged by Hamish Johnston on the Physics World blog. There’s not much yet, but he just got there. There’s sure to be interesting stuff later, so go check it out.