Idle Photo Conversion Question

i-0006bd33f825cc5a8499936da1722814-sm_Birds.jpgBetween trip planning and thinking about Boskone, I’ve been thinking a fair bit about Japan recently. I took a whole bunch of pictures when I was there, with a camera borrowed from my parents, and looking at them now, my first thought is “Boy, I could make these look really good in GIMP…”

Of course, save for a few that I scanned in (the picture at left is a cut-down version of one of those), these are all on paper, not in electronic format, and scanning them in doesn’t produce the best quality, as you can see even in the small version.

This got me wondering, though: is there an efficient way to convert a large number of pictures (a couple hundred) from film to digital format? It seems like it ought to be possible to pay somebody to do this, but what sort of quality do you get? (I have the negatives, if that makes a difference.) Is it worth the bother?

(Yes, Google will provide dozens of companies that offer to do this sort of thing, but I’m more interested in hearing from people who may have some experience with using this service…)