Election Round-Up

Well, it’s not really much of a round-up, as that has a connotation of completeness, and this is pretty scattered. But, really, if I’m your only source for political links on the Web, you need to get out more. This is just a collection of links to a few things that I thought were particularly worth reading in the aftermath of Tuesday’s election.

Brad DeLong on the size of the Democratic mandate. Thirty-two million Americans voted for Democratic candidates, compared to twenty-four million Americans who voted for Republicans. I think those numbers should get wider circulation.

Matt Yglesias on the “genius” of Karl Rove. I’ve long been mystified by his reputation of invincibility, but hopefully this election will do a little to puncture that.

If you’re the sort who likes a little sober realism to temper your celebration, the Corpuscle has a good piece on the work that remains to be done. Me, I’m going to watch Making Light do the Happy Dance for a little while yet. It’s been too long.

One thought on “Election Round-Up

  1. I liked the Daily show’s take on the Rove issue: It’s obviously a trap! Yes, Rove is that cunning. He’s given up this election to focus on the next one!

    Or something.

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