Those Crazy Chemists

Dylan Stiles is blogging from the American Chemical Society meeting, as only he can. He’s got three daily summary posts up (one, two, three), with more presumably on the way for however long the meeting lasts.

Personally, I can’t make heads or tails of the scientific content, so I can’t tell you whether any of the stuff he’s posting about is actually interesting to normal humans. He’s way into it, though, which makes even the incomprehensible bits fun to read. Or maybe I’m just sleep-deprived.


  1. As a fellow organic geek, I can verify that Dylan’s content is just fine – he’s going to some of the same talks that I would if I were attending the meeting. I haven’t been to an ACS meeting in some time, though – they’re humungous by the standards of the field, and you really have to sift the programs to find the worthwhile stuff.

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