Saturday Dog Blogging

A day late for the usual pet-blogging, you say? I prefer to think of it as being six days early.


Caption: “Hey! Who said you could stop petting me?”

(The Queen of Niskayuna is shown in her usual spot, on a pillow next to the couch, which is my usual spot when I’m downstairs watching tv or reading. She tends to flop down on the pillow, and demand to be petted. If you stop petting her– say, to change channels, or turn a page in a book– she gets annoyed.)

Posted in Dog

One thought on “Saturday Dog Blogging

  1. Ah, yes. As in, “You Cretin. How dare you divert your attention from me?” I suppose the Queen of Niskayuna is much more subtle than that, but I often think that the soulful eyes of a canine could carry a more emphatic message if we didn’t control the contents of the food bowl. Most times I’m fairly grateful not to know what they are thinking. Good job on the bike ride in spite of the weather. As I recall the Queen prefers not to get her feet wet. So, a particularly good job getting your bike ride in along with the Queen’s preferred pets.

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