Stephen Colbert Is the News

I don’t usually post YouTube links and that sort of thing, because I figure everybody else in the world has watched them before I get there, but this clip of the Colbert Report is too good not to link. He gets right in the metaphorical face of a couple of morning shows that have done pieces about how he makes politiicans look silly, and absolutely blows them out of the water.

What’s sad is that he could probably do something similar with Meet the Press, with about the same results. The clip of the one representative struggling to name all Ten Commandments is absolutely priceless, and the fact that it could only appear on a comedy show tells you everything you need to know about what’s wrong with our political media culture.

3 thoughts on “Stephen Colbert Is the News

  1. Great post about a Great American. (Stephen are you listening?) The man that has fearlessly taken Bush and conservatives to task for substituting “thruthiness” for truth wherever possible. I humbly beg his apologies for creating the word “sciency”, to describe what the idiots at the Discovery Institute are doing. (Sciency – It’s NOT science, it just SOUNDS something like science). Stephen, thank you for the inspiration!

  2. Stephen Colbert is indeed awesome. He’s more consistent than Stewart, but put both at their best side by side, and Stewart still comes out on top, IMNSHO.

    It’s sad that The Daily Show and The Colbert Report do far more towards questioning our pols than any of the “real media” do.

  3. Why are you shouting down the Congresscritter for being an ignorant corrupt ass? That is diversity! One might naively expect the One True Church could count to Ten Commandments after 2000 years. How is the prohibition against graven images honored, except in the breach? Exodus 20:3-4 isn’t in the Catholic list at all! Perhaps God’s will is still in probate.

    Buy a St. Jude medal or pay to light candles (larger DCF/ROI from tapers; no joss sticks!) before a statue. God will intervene.

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