Wednesday Dog-Blogging

Greetings from Chateau Steelypips, home of the world’s saddest dog:


Why is she pining away? Because I’ve gone down to New York for a ScienceBlogs get-together, and left her alone. ..

(Bonus pathetic picture below the fold.)

OK, she’s not really pining because I’m away. Not in that picture, anyway. The picture was taken Monday morning, and is pretty typical of her behavior when I go into the shower (the door above and behind her is the bathroom). She knows that means I’ll be leaving for work soon, and mopes about pathetically in hopes of convincing me to stay.

Here’s another, slightly more hopeful shot, taken from inside the bedroom (off to the right in the picture above):


Posted in Dog

One thought on “Wednesday Dog-Blogging

  1. This morning, when you really weren’t here, I slapped some peanut butter on a treat, stuck it inside a bone, and gave it to her before I went in the shower (in the past she’s taken these opportunities to, say, pull pens off low tables and eat them, so I wanted her distracted).

    When I got out of the shower, she wasn’t downstairs chewing on her bone. She was lying down on the other side of the light-colored rug in the first picture–I suspect because there’s more space there for her to flatten out for maximum patheticness.

    She really missed you.

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