The Numbers Game

Today finds Kieran Healy counting words, and Hedwig the Grrlscientist tallying visits, so that must count as a blog statistics meme. Or something.

Out of curiosity, I checked the Google Analytics stats for this site, and was bemused to discover that as of sometime this morning, there have been 141,183 unique visits to this site since the site went live in January. That’s a pittance compared to PZ’s two million plus, but I find it slightly boggling.

Back when we were working on the transition, Kate and I spent a little time trying to determine the traffic on the old Steelypips site (ScienceBlogs’ pay rates are based on traffic), and estimated something under 5,000 pageviews a month. Now, I consider that a lousy week, traffic-wise. Amazing what a difference a little corporate sponsorship makes…

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope you like what you find here.

One thought on “The Numbers Game

  1. You’re boggled? I’m boggled. I actively avoid looking at my site statistics (it induces performance anxiety, you know), so I had no idea…two million? Hmmm. Now I’m not going to be able to write anything for a week.

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