353-361/366: Penultimate Photo Dump

The Schenectady Greenmarket, our regular Sunday-morning activity.

Another day, another batch of photos from August. 353/366: Trail Blaze This is actually a slight reversal of chronology, as the hike through Vischer’s Ferry was the day after I went for a hike in the H. G. Reist Wildlife Sanctuary. The pictures from Vischer’s Ferry were better though, as despite the name I didn’t… Continue reading 353-361/366: Penultimate Photo Dump

344-352/366: Wetland Walk

Great blue herons in the Vischer Ferry Nature Preserve.

Another in the sadly delayed wrapping-up of my photo-a-day project. These are all pictures from a hike in the Vischer Ferry Nature Preserve over in Clifton Park. We took the kids over there one time, but a thunderstorm started coming in before we got very far. While the kids were at my parents’, I decided… Continue reading 344-352/366: Wetland Walk

336-343/366: Panoramas and Sillyheads

Panorama from the "porch" outside the Olin Science Center at Union College.

I’ve got a big backlog of photo-a-day pictures, but finding time to edit and post them is a major challenge. I’ve got nearly all the editing done, now, so I’ll start putting blocks of stuff up when I have time (generally very early in the morning, as I’m awake before everyone else in Chateau Steelypips).… Continue reading 336-343/366: Panoramas and Sillyheads

314-335/366: Massive Backlog

Tiger lilies in front of our house.

It’s been over a month since I did a photo-a-day post, largely because I haven’t been taking many pictures for a variety of reasons. I do still mean to get a year’s worth of good photos done, but the “daily” part has completely disintegrated at this point. As a way of getting somewhat back on… Continue reading 314-335/366: Massive Backlog

Physics Blogging Round-Up: Camera Tricks, College Advice, Hot Fans, and Lots of Quantum

Several weeks of silence here, for a bunch of reasons that mostly boil down to “being crazy busy.” I’ve got a bunch of physics posts over at Forbes during that interval, though: — The Camera Trick That Justifies The Giant Death Star: I busted out camera lenses and the kids’ toys to show how you… Continue reading Physics Blogging Round-Up: Camera Tricks, College Advice, Hot Fans, and Lots of Quantum

Physics Blogging Round-Up: Roman Engineering, Water, and Baseball

It’s been a month since the last links dump of posts from Forbes, though, really, I took a couple of weeks off there, so it’s been less than that in terms of active blogging time. But I’ve put up a bunch of stuff in July, so here are some links: — The Physics Of Ancient… Continue reading Physics Blogging Round-Up: Roman Engineering, Water, and Baseball

Why Physicists Disparage Philosophers, In Three Paragraphs

Periodically, some scientific celebrity from the physical sciences– Neil deGrasse Tyson or Stephen Hawking, say– will say something dismissive about philosophy, and kick off a big rush of articles about how dumb their remarks are, how important philosophy is, and so on. Given that this happens on a regular basis, you might wonder why it… Continue reading Why Physicists Disparage Philosophers, In Three Paragraphs