070/366: Scientists for Scale

Dr. Brown discovers the dark secret of Dr. Red's mushroom-breeding program.

Another delayed photo-of-the-day, because SteelyKid was sent home with strep throat yesterday. She complained that her throat hurt any time we asked her to eat anything other than ice cream, but other than that was basically unaffected. Which is sort of the most irritating sick-kid scenario possible, because if she were actually sick and listless,… Continue reading 070/366: Scientists for Scale

061/366: BatNinja

The Pip as Batman, SteelyKid as a ninja.

I took some shots of nature stuff on this morning’s dog walk, and a few good action shots at the last soccer game of the season. But honestly, the only thing anybody wants to see today is Halloween costumes, so here are the kids: Cleverly, they both selected costumes that are predominantly black; we augmented… Continue reading 061/366: BatNinja

056/366: SpeakingKid

SteelyKid in sparring gear for her "Zoom Time" presentation. Daddy included for scale.

SteelyKid’s second-grade class is doing a “Zoom Time” thing where the kids make short presentations to the class about one of their interests. It’s basically an expanded show-and-tell, with fifteen minutes for talking, and five for “questions and compliments.” She, of course, decided to talk about taekwondo, so I brought her sparring gear in and… Continue reading 056/366: SpeakingKid

048/366: Reading Race

SteelyKid and The Pip running into our local independent bookstore.

Every Sunday, I take the kids down to the Schenectady Greenmarket, which from May-October is held outdoors, on the streets around City Hall. This puts it right next to our local independent bookstore, The Open Door, which is kind of popular with the kids: We have a standing agreement that they can each get one… Continue reading 048/366: Reading Race

040/366: SoccerKid

SteelyKid in action at rec soccer.

Rhett is off at some sort of football game, but don’t worry, I’ll step up to make sure the Internet has pictures of kids playing soccer: I’m assistant coaching the team (and the only coach for every other game), which makes it hard to get photos of SteelyKid, but I brought the camera to yesterday’s… Continue reading 040/366: SoccerKid

027/366: #SuperBloodMoon

SteelyKid looking at the eclipse through her telescope.

Really, was there any question at all what the subject of today’s photo would be? I mean, I’m a geek, I have a fancy camera– of course I was taking pictures of the lunar eclipse. But more importantly, I was sharing it with SteelyKid: That’s SteelyKid looking through her telescope at the early stages of… Continue reading 027/366: #SuperBloodMoon

019/366: Lots of SteelyKids

Multiple images of SteelyKid bouncing at the trampoline park. Composite image made with Motion Shot.

Weekends around here tend to be ridiculously busy, so you get a cell-phone photo again. But with a twist– over in Twitter-land, Frank Noschese mentioned a smartphone app called Motion Shot that takes short video clips and processes them to provide multiple images of some moving object. This is, of course, basically irresistible for a… Continue reading 019/366: Lots of SteelyKids

017/366: Guessing Game

SteelyKid's clues for the "guess which kid wrote this" owl at her school's open house.

SteelyKid’s elementary school had their annual open house tonight, and they tried something different with it this year. Rather than having prepared presentations in the classrooms, they had the kids lead a “tour” for their parents– she got a map and a “bingo” card, and then led us to her classroom, the cafeteria, the library,… Continue reading 017/366: Guessing Game

013/366: Accessorize!

My right hand.

Elite Northeastern private college tuition and fees (1989-1993): ~$80,000 Gold class ring from elite Northeastern private college: ~$500 Colorful Rainbow Loom bracelet from your seven-year-old daughter: Priceless. SteelyKid made this bracelet the other day at her after-school day care, while demonstrating to her friends that she could knit the rubber bands together with her fingers.… Continue reading 013/366: Accessorize!

010/366: SparringKid

SteelyKid, in sparring gear, with her taekwondo coach.

I said when I started this that there would inevitably be a few cell-phone snapshots, on days when I’m too busy to get fancy with the DSLR. This was one such, so here’s a quick shot of SteelyKid at tonight’s Elite Team taekwondo practice, talking to her coach. The Elite Team class is all sparring,… Continue reading 010/366: SparringKid