Tiny Baby Pictures

SteelyKid is running a bit big for her age– she’ll be six months next weekend, but she’s outgrown all her six-month size clothes– but she’s still tiny. At least, I think so, and Kate has the pictures to show why.

Checklist: Check!

SteelyKid was delivered by Caesarean section (MacDuff won’t stand a chance…). They let me in to the operating room just before the moment of delivery, and I stuck around while they cleaned her up and did the early tests that they do on newborns, before they brought her over for me and Kate to see.… Continue reading Checklist: Check!

SteelyKid Versus Vegetables

This is of interest to approximately eight people in the entire world, but SteelyKid got her first taste of “yellow vegetables” this weekend (step three on the road to solid food, after rice cereal and oatmeal cereal). Which provided a nice opportunity to play with the digital video camera we got for Christmas: Yes, that’s… Continue reading SteelyKid Versus Vegetables

Categorized as Steelykid!

Uncomfortable Question: Fatherhood

In response to my call for uncomfortable questions, Ewan goes for the jugular: what do you think your biggest failing as a father has been to date? See, this is the sort of thing I’m talking about… The answer is “I get frustrated too easily.”