A Literary Theory

There is a fairly prominent strain of SF fandom which vehemently rejects all but the most superficial forms of literary analysis. This mostly seems to be due to bad experiences with English Lit classes in high school and/or college, at least based on the long rants they used to uncork on Usenet, back in the… Continue reading A Literary Theory

Hugo Voting

Just a reminder, if you’re someone who’s eligible to vote for this year’s Hugo Awards, the deadline to do so is tomorrow. Of course, you probably already know that– they sent out reminder emails last night. They want me to vote so badly, in fact, that I got four reminder emails last night, two with… Continue reading Hugo Voting

Inflatable Space Elevator, Eh

(Alternate post title: “Hey to James Nicoll”) Via John Dupuis, our clever neighbors to the North has come up with a possible (partial) alternative to rockets: “For decades, scientists have been grappling to find a more efficient means of getting payloads into space,” says Brendan Quine (right), professor of space physics and engineering in York’s… Continue reading Inflatable Space Elevator, Eh

New Adventures in Retail

Over at Tor.com, they’ve unveiled the new Tor.com store, enabling you to buy your books via your favorite SF publisher. It’s pretty bare-bones at the moment, so the most worthwhile feature is probably the special picks feature, where they collect together lists of books recommended by their most popular bloggers. Such as, for example, Kate’s… Continue reading New Adventures in Retail

Wanted: Better Hugo Nominees

I’m eligible to vote for the Hugos this year, as a paid-up member of Anticipation. As such, I got the free packet of nominated works that they put together for the voters, and have started working my way through the short fiction (I’ve read all the novel nominees that I’m going to). Whether you’re eligible… Continue reading Wanted: Better Hugo Nominees