Upcoming Appearances: How to Teach Physics to Your Dog Live

Two events in the next couple of weeks at which I will be appearing live and in person: 1) This Thursday, Feb. 4, I will be giving a talk at the University of Maryland, College Park at 3:30 pm in the Lecture Hall (room 1110) in the Kim Engineering Building. The title of the talk… Continue reading Upcoming Appearances: How to Teach Physics to Your Dog Live

Semi-Dorky Poll: Super Meeting!

I have to go to the Happy Fun Meeting this afternoon, which will be both Happy! and Fun! To keep things lively while I’m there, here’s a question that is dorky, but not in the usual way for this blog: What superpower would you most like to have to help you deal with annoying meetings?… Continue reading Semi-Dorky Poll: Super Meeting!

The Problem With Urban Fantasy: I Want The Ponder Stibbons Story

Most of my fiction reading at the moment is done while rocking SteelyKid to sleep at night, using a Palm as an e-book reader. This does not really lend itself to the reading of weighty Literary Novels, but rather lightweight genre trash. Which means I’ve been reading a bunch of “urban fantasy,” because that is… Continue reading The Problem With Urban Fantasy: I Want The Ponder Stibbons Story

Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of 2009?

The overlap between my readership and SF fandom is not as high as one might like, but I thought I would throw this out there anyway: What were the best science fiction and/or fantasy stories of 2009? (“Stories” here can mean anything from short stories to novels to feature films. We’re all about inclusiveness, here… Continue reading Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of 2009?