Nathalie Mallet, The Princes of the Golden Cage [Library of Babel]

Back in August, somebody from Night Shade Books contacted me and asked if I would like a review copy of the forthcoming book by Nathalie Mallet, The Princes of the Golden Cage. I almost never turn down free books, so I said yes (actually, both Kate and I were contacted, and she replied first, so… Continue reading Nathalie Mallet, The Princes of the Golden Cage [Library of Babel]

Scary Movie “Meme”

Bora has tagged me, and nagged me in comments for this “Happy Hallowmeme” thing where people post links to clips from their favorite scary movies. The problem with this is that I really don’t have that much interest in horror in general, or scary movies specifically. I do, however, retain some affection for 80’s cheese,… Continue reading Scary Movie “Meme”

Kids Those Days

One of the odd things about blogdom, and the commentariat in general, is the way that people will all seem to latch on to some particular idea at about the same time, despite the lack of any obvious connection between them. I keep having days when I scan through my RSS feeds, and find the… Continue reading Kids Those Days


I’ve been Netflix-ing and sloooowly watching the anime Last Exile over the last few months, and finished it over the weekend. It’s all very pretty, but I really don’t understand what the hell happened at the very end. Some fun stuff along the way, though. This means that I have once again run out of… Continue reading Cartoooooons!

Goldstein Collection: New Viral Marketing Game?

I got a rather odd email yesterday, with the Subject: header Help me identify a youtube video and solve my grandfather’s mysterious death. That’s eye-catching, to say the least, and the text of the message was also interesting: There’s a youtube video involved in my grandfather’s odd circumstances of death. Please take a look at… Continue reading Goldstein Collection: New Viral Marketing Game?

Mystery Anime Revisited

A little while back, I asked for help identifying some anime recommended by a Japanese fan. I have subsequently found the business card on which he wrote the titles: The first one looks like it is “Gurren-Lagann, so a shiny gold star for commenter Patrick. the second one is a total mystery to me. I… Continue reading Mystery Anime Revisited

Mystery Anime Query

The last night of the Worldcon in Yokohama, I wound up in a conversation with a couple of Japanese fans and another American. At the suggestion of the other American (whose name I forget– sorry), we spent a while trading questions: we’d answer a question about the US, then they would answer a question about… Continue reading Mystery Anime Query

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