How to Teach Physics to Your Dog Poetry Contest

There once was a dog from Niskayuna… The previous post announced a photo caption contest for a chance to win an advance proof copy of my book, How to Teach Physics to Your Dog, six(-ish) months before it’s available for purchase. I thought I should include something for the less visually inclined, though, and I… Continue reading How to Teach Physics to Your Dog Poetry Contest

How to Teach Physics to Your Dog Caption Contest

Today is six months to the day from the official release date of my book, How to Teach Physics to Your Dog. It feels like I ought to do something promotion-like to mark this date, and I have a couple of extra bound galley proofs (seen above with Emmy), sooo….. I hereby announce the first… Continue reading How to Teach Physics to Your Dog Caption Contest

The Dark Art of Blurbing

Tom Levenson’s series about the writing of his Newton and the Counterfeiter continues with a piece on the getting of blurbs for the cover: Newton and the Counterfeiter (Amazon, Powells, Barnes and Noble, Indiebound) is by far my best-blurbed book, boasting enthusiastic and generous praise from a very diverse crew of luminaries — (David Bodanis,… Continue reading The Dark Art of Blurbing

New Adventures in Retail

Over at, they’ve unveiled the new store, enabling you to buy your books via your favorite SF publisher. It’s pretty bare-bones at the moment, so the most worthwhile feature is probably the special picks feature, where they collect together lists of books recommended by their most popular bloggers. Such as, for example, Kate’s… Continue reading New Adventures in Retail

The PDF Plague

There have been a half-dozen stories in the past few weeks that looked interesting, but didn’t even make it into the Links Dump for the day. Why not? Because the stories or studies were only available as PDF files. I have no idea if this is actually getting worse, but I’m finding this more irritating… Continue reading The PDF Plague