How to Teach Physics to Your Dog Contest Winners

After a long baby-induced delay, we are finally ready to announce the winners of the How to Teach Physics to Your Dog Caption Contest and Poetry Contest. I’ve obtained a few more copies of the bound galleys from the publisher, so we’ll be giving two awards in each contest category: one for each photo, one… Continue reading How to Teach Physics to Your Dog Contest Winners

A Literary Theory

There is a fairly prominent strain of SF fandom which vehemently rejects all but the most superficial forms of literary analysis. This mostly seems to be due to bad experiences with English Lit classes in high school and/or college, at least based on the long rants they used to uncork on Usenet, back in the… Continue reading A Literary Theory

Hugo Voting

Just a reminder, if you’re someone who’s eligible to vote for this year’s Hugo Awards, the deadline to do so is tomorrow. Of course, you probably already know that– they sent out reminder emails last night. They want me to vote so badly, in fact, that I got four reminder emails last night, two with… Continue reading Hugo Voting

Death by Black Hole by Neil deGrasse Tyson

While I’ve seen him on tv a bunch of times (both on NOVA and on the Comedy Central fake-news shows), I have somehow managed not to read anything by Neil deGrasse Tyson before. I’m not sure how that happened. After his appearance on The Daily show last year, and especially after the Rubik’s Cube thing… Continue reading Death by Black Hole by Neil deGrasse Tyson

Reminder: Enter to Win My Book

Just a quick reminder post to note that you can win an advance proof copy of How to Teach Physics to Your Dog in one of two ways: By captioning pictures of the dog with physics apparatus By writing short poems about dogs and physics Regarding the last one, I’m thinking of adding a second… Continue reading Reminder: Enter to Win My Book

We’re Gonna Build Something This Summer

I’ve been reading a bunch of posts at Infinite summer lately, where they’re planning to spend the summer (re)reading David Foster Wallaces most magnum of opuses, Infinite Jest. In a development that surely nobody could see coming, I’ve decided to spend some of my infinite (hah) free time re-reading it myself. If you’re not familiar… Continue reading We’re Gonna Build Something This Summer