Live Music Poll

Over at the Whatever, one of Scalzi’s guest bloggers has posted a ginormous list of upcoming live music shows in the DC area. This makes me sad, because when I used to live in the DC area, I was a grad student, and couldn’t afford to go to any of the dozens of great concerts […]

Recent Pop Music

I bought a bunch of stuff recently, and as is my usual practice, iTunes has been shuffle playing the recent purchases for the last couple of weeks. The albums in question: Janelle Monae, the Arch-Android. Not usually my sort of thing, but I saw a bunch of absolutely rapturous reviews calling it groundbreaking, etc, so […]

My iPod Counts to Ten

I’ve got multiple home improvement projects that need work while SteelyKid is out of the house and the weather is reasonably nice, so no deep thoughts about science today. Instead, here’s some silly pop culture: a selection of songs from my music collection starting with numbers from one to ten: “One,” U2 “Two,” Ryan Adams […]

Exploring Hidden Dimensions at the World Science Festival

Since I was going to be down here anyway to sign books at the World Science Festival Street Fair, Kate and I decided to catch one of the Saturday events at the Festival. It was hard to choose, but we opted for the program on Hidden Dimensions: Exploring Hyperspace (Live coverage was here, but the […]

Bohemian Mechanical Rhapsody

Blame Bryan O’Sullivan for this– after his comment about misreading “Bohmian Mechanics” as “Bohemian Mechanics,” I couldn’t get this silly idea out of my head. And this is the result. I like to think that this was Brian May‘s first draft (he does have a Ph.D. in astrophysics, after all), before Freddie Mercury got hold […]

Musical Poll: British Invaders

No Links Dump today because a combination of work and a nasty cold kept me off the Internet most of yesterday. Here’s the moral equivalent, though: a poll question brought to you by the letters “U” and “K” and the song “Gimme Sympathy” by Metric: Who would you rather be?online surveys The song is unclear […]