Poll: Religious Beliefs of Scientists and Science Blog Readers

A big and important argument about religion and science has flared up again on Twittter. It occurs to me, though, that nobody has taken the obvious step of polling people about their actual beliefs, so let’s see if we can’t settle this question with (social) SCIENCE!: I would prefer to be a member of:Market Research… Continue reading Poll: Religious Beliefs of Scientists and Science Blog Readers

A Quick Reputational Poll

In a place I can’t link to, I encountered the somewhat boggling statement that “Nature leans more in the direction of Popular Science than Critically Peer Reviewed [Journal].” Thus, a quick poll: Nature is:online surveys Context is for the weak.

Language Poll: The Most Threshold

Not prompted by anything specific, but something I’ve occasionally wondered about: what’s the threshold for “most”? Thus, a poll: The minimum percentage of X doing Y that you would need to feel justified saying “Most X do Y” is:survey software I know I tend to use “most” to mean something considerably more than just 51%,… Continue reading Language Poll: The Most Threshold

Categorized as Math, Polls

Dorky Poll: Favorite Force?

I’m pretty sure I’ve used this topic before, but not with PollDaddy. And while I really ought to do a ResearchBlogging post today to make it a clean sweep for the week, I just don’t have the energy. So here’s a poll: what’s your favorite fundamental force? What’s your favorite fundamental force?online surveys Those of… Continue reading Dorky Poll: Favorite Force?

Academic Poll: That Time of Year

This one’s pretty self-explanatory: Classes for the new academic year start a week from Monday.survey software You only get to pick one because that’s the way it is. If you need me, I’ll be over here scrambling frantically.